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Recommended Viewing: Blockchain Peter Smith on scaling cryptocurrency Ethereum, bitcoin, ICO (
If youโ€™ve been paying attention to FinTech news, blockchain, bitcoin, Ethereum, and ICOs are hot topics. After talking about cryptocurrency for a few years on This Week in Startups, it is now having its shining moment, with one bitcoin trading at over $4000.

Our guest today, Peter Smith, is the CEO & co-founder of Blockchain, the leading integrated bitcoin platform that makes using different blockchains easy.

Join us as Peter distills bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and blockchain fundamentals, regulatory issues and why the U.S. is slower in the cryptospace, effects on the dark web, ICO predictions, and more.

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    Admin Blockchain Company In the last 20 mins of this excellent interview by Jason Calacanis, a Silicon Valley VC, in his interview with Blockchain pioneer Peter Smith, Jason proposes a new kind of social network that compensates its users with Tokens! In no uncertain terms, that proposed model is already right here... it's Blockchain Company (BC). Make sure you signup today, by creating an account to be on record to receive free BC Tokens before our deadline dates. You can learn more about our free token distribution above.