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Blockchain: the New Up and Coming Topic In Universities (
  • Blockchain is becoming more prevalent and with it, the need for blockchain developers, opening up an entirely new job market.
  • More universities are jumping on the band wagon and offering courses on blockchain development
  • Courses you can learn and how you can use the advancement of blockchain to get ahead
According to new research carried out byΒ Coinbase, we're witnessing a significant rise in the number of universities teaching their students about blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

It turns out that 42% of the world's top universities are now offering at least one course on either cryptocurrencies or blockchain technology.

While previously these courses only garnered interest from those studying math or computing-related subject, they now have students from a large range of majors.

Which Universities Are Offering Courses on These Subjects?


Universities have been teaching and researching distributed ledger technology since before cryptocurrencies were mainstream.However, the number of universities offering such courses has rapidly increased over the past couple of years, and will continue to rise for the foreseeable future.

Coinbase Reports has even created a chart to show the number of cryptocurrency and blockchain courses being taught at some of the top universities around the world.Nir Kabessa, the President of Blockchain at Columbia stated::

"Schools such as Berkeley, MIT, Columbia, and Stanford are leading the race.

MIT's Bitcoin Club is a legendary organization which led to the formation of the Blockchain Education Network, a community of top blockchain labs and chapters.

Columbia University is gradually adding for-credit courses on blockchain, but its main source of education stems from its innovative institutions such as the DSI-IBM Research Center, Blockchain at Columbia, and Columbia Blockchain Studio.

It is important to differentiate what type of education one is looking for."Each institution has its own pros and cons. Whilst some universities are famous worldwide for their intensive research into blockchain, their education department is lacking.

Meanwhile, some of the institutions with the best teaching reputations have comparatively low scores for their research.