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Watch: Gravitas: Why Europe's Energy supplies depend on Russia (
Russia is the third-largest supplier of natural gas in the world. 72% natural gas & 48% oil exports from Russia go to Europe. If a war happens, Europe's energy supplies could get crippled. Palki Sharma tells you how this has unnerved energy markets.

#Russia #Europe #Gravitas

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst In the middle of winter energy markets are hit by the global geopolitical situation, more with Russia attacking Ukraine. Western Europe depends a lot from Russian gas and oil. Unfortunately this was forecasted some years ago, but few European countries have listened and purchase energy from different sources. Now it's too late for some countries. Russia energy exports can detour to Asia easily. Sanctions against Russia will make the energy situation worse and the final consequences will affect global energy companies working with Russian energy. Situation, even if the real conflict ends soon, is dire as Europe can't anymore depend on bully States for its energy.