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Recommended: Blockchain Intervention: FoodCoin & INS (
I want to explore the ways that blockchain technology can help streamline one of the largest global industries, the food industry. This one is definitely in need of a blockchain intervention.

Today I want to focus on two blockchain based companies that are focusing on doing just this.

The two blockchain based companies I’d like to focus on today are FoodCoin and INS, they are similar in that they are addressing the issues that arise from the massive retailers having too much power in regards to dictating how manufacturers products reach their consumers.

But here’s how their different:

FoodCoin seems to be focused more on liberating the agriculture market and local farmers. They will be using the Ethereum blockchain for their active platform that supports 1000 ecofarms.

FoodCoin is also focused not only on the farmers but also the processors, distributors, restaurants, farmer’s markets and things like this

 on the other hand is more focused on the broader market of food manufacturers both global and local. They will be providing a platform for both universally recognized brands and those who are local and are getting screwed over by the rules set forth by current retailers who force price mark ups and other requirements that small providers can’t quite handle.

In addition to providing a platform for these manufacturers and consumers to interact more directly, INS is giving third party distributers the chance to take full advantage and better capitalize on their resources for the benefit of all parties involved.

In a world where millennials are now forcing change in many different industries by wanting locally made, and customized shopping experiences it certainly seems FoodCoin and INS are both very much aligned with these desires and it certainly seems they are going to be providing services that will be very much in demand in the near future.

That being said, here is an interview with myself and one of the founders of INS, Peter Fedchenkov.