Bitcoin for Businesses - Bitcoin (
Bitcoin is a very secure and inexpensive way to handle payments.

ico_lowfee.svgChoose your own fees

There is no fee to receive bitcoins, and many wallets let you control
how large a fee to pay when spending. Most wallets have reasonable
default fees, and higher fees can encourage faster confirmation
of your transactions. Fees are unrelated to the amount transferred, so
it's possible to send 100,000 bitcoins for the same fee it costs to send
1 bitcoin.

ico_shield.svgProtection against fraud

Any business that accepts credit cards or PayPal knows the problem of
payments that are later reversed. Chargeback frauds result in limited
market reach and increased prices, which in turn penalizes customers.
Bitcoin payments are irreversible and secure, meaning that the cost of
fraud is no longer pushed onto the shoulders of the merchants.

ico_international.svgFast international payments

Sending bitcoins across borders is as easy as sending them across the
street. There are no banks to make you wait three business days, no
extra fees for making an international transfer, and no special
limitations on the minimum or maximum amount you can send.

ico_pci.svgNo PCI compliance required

Accepting credit cards online typically requires extensive security
checks in order to comply with the PCI standard. Bitcoin still requires
you to secure your wallet
and your payment requests. However, you do not carry the costs and
responsibilities that come with processing sensitive information from
your customers like credit card numbers.

ico_visib.svgGet some free visibility

Bitcoin is an emerging market of new customers who are searching for
ways to spend their bitcoins. Accepting them is a good way to get new
customers and give your business some new visibility. Accepting a new
payment method has often shown to be a clever practice for online


Bitcoin also includes a multi-signature feature which allows bitcoins
to be spent only if a subset of a group of people authorize the
transaction. This can be used by a board of directors to prevent any
member to make expenditures without enough consent from other members,
as well as to track which members allowed each payment.

ico_transparency.svgAccounting transparency

Many organizations are required to produce accounting documents about
their activity. Using Bitcoin allows you to offer the highest level of
transparency since you can provide information your members can use to
verify your balances and transactions. Non-profit organizations can also
allow the public to see how much they receive in donations.

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    Bitcoin Bitcoin Bitcoin is great for businesses too! Learn more how to apply it