Ripple's Xpring launches one-stop developer platform for blockchain payments - SiliconANGLE (
Ripple Labs Inc.’s investment subsidiary Xpring today launched a new developer platform that has been designed as a one-stop shop for developers to manage everything they need when it comes to integrating blockchain payments. for developers, an extension of their previously announced Xpring Platform, is an open developer platform designed to remove the pain of integrating money into apps for its 23 million developers worldwide.

The new service includes a wallet, new tools and services as part of the company’s commitment to building Xpring on open-source software, open standards and open networks. It includes new updates to the Xpring software development kit, XRP Ledger and Interledger all free and open for developers to use.

The wallet has been designed to make it easy to generate and manage account credentials, view balances and monitor transaction history. The wallet also supports XRP Testnet which is said to be ideal for developers who want to get up and running quickly.

The Xpring SDK, an SDK designed to allow developers to get started quickly when it comes to integrating money into apps is mostly platform agnostic with support for the Xpring wallet built-in.

The platform now supports Python and Go on top of its existing support for Java, JavaScript and Swift.

In addition, Xpring also announced the latest version of the XRP Ledger — version 1.4.0 — which includes support for “Deletable Accounts,” a new amendment that allows users to delete XRP Ledger accounts and recover up to 15 XRP of their base reserve.

Now more than 12 months old, Ripple’s Xpring continues to surge ahead. Along with providing developer tools, Xpring also acts as an investment arm for Ripple.In October,  Xpring was a strategic investor into Towo Labs AB, a Swedish startup developing technology for cryptocurrency self-custody.

Previously Xpring invested the equivalent at the time of $264 million in Ripple XRP cryptocurrency into Coil Technologies Inc., a provider of micropayments for content providers.

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