Training 92 items
Recommended: Thematic Group of the United For Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) Initiative – “Blockchain 4 Cities”

This opportunity to apply closes on August 21, 2018


United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) initiative is launching a call for expert volunteer
contributors from urban practitioners, city planners, engineers, designers, policy-makers,
government officials, regulators, standards experts, scientists, academia, researchers, geographers,
sociologists, civil society and other relevant actors interested in the topic of Sustainable Smart
Cities, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 11:

"Make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable", the New Urban Agenda, Paris Agreement and
other related international agreements.

The thematic group is responsible for the development of the deliverable on "Blockchain 4 Cities".
Blockchain offers possible solutions and services for the development of smarter and more
sustainable cities.

The meetings and work of the thematic group will be conducted through U4SSC’s online platform,
and experts are expected to be available for all meetings and contributing to drafting chapters
corresponding to their expertise for the above deliverable.

The report will be compiled and published through U4SSC’s initiative.
All the material published based on the work of the U4SSC will be intellectual property of ITU,
UNECE, UNU and other participating UN agencies, funds and programmes.
The secretariat for this deliverable is provided by Nuno Lopes (UNU).


Selection process and terms of application
Experts will be chosen according to their qualifications, based on proven expertise to support the
progress of the Working Group.

The U4SSC Secretariat (ITU, UNECE and UNU) together with the
other UN bodies supporting the U4SSC will select the group experts.
Applicants must confirm the following:

 Communication: The applicant can easily express themselves in English (the working
language of all meetings, documents and means of communication), in oral and writing.

 Knowledge Sharing:

Applicants must be willing to share information and expertise and
contribute actively to the deliverables.

 Availability: Applicants must be willing to avail themselves for online meetings of the
thematic groups.

 Transparency: Applicants must agree to publish their names along with their professional
capacity (e.g. consultant, scientist, researcher) country of residence and email address on
the U4SSC platform and deliverables.

Applicants are required to register to the U4SSC
website to facilitate the tasks of the thematic group.

Kindly fill in the application form available here:
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    Samuel Santos Sales & Growth Marketing at BC Awesome...
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst "Blockchain 4 Cities" is a very interesting initiative, and a powerful step to create real Smart Sustainable Cities. Read this, if you feel you can contribute, apply.