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Highly Recommended Lecture: The State of Token Economics - Llew Classen (
Featuring: Llew Classen

“When we are talking about economics in the context of crypto what exactly are we talking about?

Llew Classen, Executive Director of the Bitcoin Foundation and Managing Partner of Newton Partners, explains why the state of token economics needs to change in order to benefit cryptocurrencies.

As many of the models that are applied in the crypto space base their information via traditional economic practices, Llew’s speech explains why these dated practices will not work for this 21st Century economy.

 Llew’s experience within the crypto space is undeniable and has seen him tackle various issues within the token economy before. This powerful and very useful speech explains how in order to succeed, the world of crypto needs to break away from the would of old economy’s and make its own.

Touching on several topics including; volatility, asset management, traditional assets, economic models and liquidity, Llew’s discussion is insightful and paramount to understanding how token economics must change.

What did you think of Llew’s speech on the state of token economics?

Let us know in the comments section below.

TokenMarket Summit 2018: ‘Insights into the Token Economy’ took place 28-29 June 2018 at the Sunborn Yacht Hotel in Gibraltar. The inaugural summit covered a wide variety of blockchain and ICO topics, in which we heard from leading VCs, RegTech, Innovators and Legislators.

The star-studded lineup of speakers examined the ever changing industry landscape and the future of a token economy.

For more information regarding TokenMarket Summit 2018 visit

TokenMarket is a premier ICO information portal and advisory firm. It combines its market experience, resources and data assets to create a professionally tailored solution to execute ICOs safely and securely.

Providing an end-to-end service for token creation, presale and public sale. TokenMarket’s ICO advisory service has partnered over 30 token sales including Storj, Populous, Monaco, Civic and Dent, raising over $300 million in total.

For more information visit
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Blockchain and tokenisation have started to work inside an economy model which they aspire to radically change. This is a paradox. Paradigm´s change according to Kuhn means that we are not able to really understand the new paradigm until we fully live in it. Having to work with the old one in the meantime means that those creative enough, those who are thinking forward, are considered revolutionaries, sometimes lauded, most of the times scorned. This talk is very powerful, as marks the challenges and hurdles which are in place now and mark the state of tokenisation in the framework we live in.