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Watch: Why is China picking so many fights - and where are they leading? | Conflict Zone (
The West is pushing back against Beijing over a growing list of human rights concerns, including its security law in Hong Kong and efforts to extinguish dissent on the semi-autonomous territory. Where are these battles heading when trust in China - greatly damaged over the coronavirus pandemic and attempts to silence early warnings - is so low? Our guest this week on Conflict Zone is Wang Huiyao, a government advisor in Beijing and president of the Center for China and Globalisation think tank.

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Conflict Zone is Deutsche Welle's top political interview. Every week, our hosts Tim Sebastian and Sarah Kelly are face to face with global decision-makers, seeking straight answers to straight questions, putting the spotlight on controversial issues and calling the powerful to account.


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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst DW's programs usually are of the highest quality. Even here, the host is trying to get proper answers from a Chinese government advisor on why China is on the news lately mostly about conflicts or words with everyone else. His answers? "Everything is a misunderstanding, the Chinese government doesn't want any conflict". Somehow 20 minutes of that is annoying. Judge by yourself.
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