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Breaking! 'Vaccine passports' could be used in UK, top official says (
United Kingdom residents could have to present so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports to get into bars and grocery stores, a top official said Sunday.Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the government hasn’t “ruled out” requiring proof of vaccination in order to get into stores.

“It’s something that hasn’t been ruled out and it’s under consideration, but of course you’ve got to make it workable,” Raab told LBC Radio.

“Whether it’s at an international, domestic, or local level, you’ve got to know that the document being presented is something that you can rely on and that it’s an accurate reflection of the status of the individual,” he added.

But other members of parliament pushed back Sunday on the possibility.Mark Harper, who chairs the Covid Recovery Group, argued the United Kingdom should not “get to a position where we are telling people they can’t do things unless they have been vaccinated with Covid.

“For everyday life, I don’t think you want to require people to have to have a particular medical procedure before they can go about their day-to-day life,” he told the station. “That is not how we do things in Britain.”
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Surveillance capitalism with the excuse of "social health". It's good to have records and data. But this shouldn't become a way of controlling what a person can do or not, like in the credit system of China.