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Recommended Watch: Is Japan's Anti Aging Vaccine the Future of Longevity? (
Japan is investing a lot into Longevity Research in hopes of keeping us young forever. And recently, they managed to bring about a new kind of vaccine which manages to stop the aging process very reliably through gene editing and biotechnology. This research team intends to move to human trials very soon. The discovery could lead to a similar “fountain of youth” for humans. By modifying just one gene, an international team of researchers was able to extend the life expectancy of mice by 23% — and they think their results may translate to humans.
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00:00 Japan's Plan to cure Aging
02:12 The latest developments in Longevity Research
03:23 What is Cellular Senescence?
05:45 How to become 100 years old
09:15 Last Words
#longevity #biotech #japan
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The title seems somehow click bait. But it's possible that bio tech developments (aided now by AI) are closer to solve the problem of ageing, eve if we are far from long term longevity. Have a long life seems nice, but every one would like to be also healthy, avoiding senescence, and diseases like Alzheimer. This is a positive step towards a better healthier quality life for everyone. We can even dream a future where biological and machine merges to have even longer and fuller lives.