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Recommended Watch: The World Ahead: the true costs of ageing | The Economist (
The rich world is ageing fast. How can societies afford the looming costs of caring for their growing elderly populations? film supported by @Mission Winnow

00:00 The wealthy world is ageing
01:17 Japan’s elderly population
02:11 The problems of an ageing world
04:01 Reinventing old age
05:48 Unlocking the potential of older years
07:09 Reforming social care
08:20 A community-based approach
11:08 A fundamental shift is needed

Read our special report on ageing and the economics of longevity here:

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The joys of living to 100:

No country has found a sustainable way to finance dementia care

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The pandemic shows the urgency of reforming care for the elderly:

How Japan can cope with the 100-year-life society
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst So many things are changing and so fast. The way we see ageing is one of them, coming to us in a surprising way. Some decades ago, many just retire and die early. Being 65 was being old. With better medicine and technology this is not true anymore in advanced economies. What to do then? We have to change the systems, as we are changing every thing in our society with the new 4th IR paradigm. Change the way we see retirement, work, health, creativity, and of course care for the elderly in societies where more and more very old people live for decades and need support. Change is everything now.