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Recommended Watch: 'Extreme surveillance of everyone': Bob Gourley on China's investment in the metaverse (
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In this special episode, we sat down with Bob Gourley, chief technology officer at OODA, and John Mac Ghlionn, researcher and correspondent at the Brownstone Institute.

They touch on the metaverse, what is, how they see it expanding on the global stage going forward, and how bad actors, like China, could get involved.

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'Extreme surveillance of everyone': Bob Gourley on China's investment in the #Metaverse
#Surveillance #3Dvirtual
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The world we live now, where we drown in news, opinions, where truth and lies are difficult to separate is pure confusion. We need to cultivate awareness, both of ourselves, what surround us, and the whole world. Unfortunately, one side which is more anymore present is the dystopian future where authoritarian powers like China, and increasingly more democracies which are falling into surveillance capitalism are trying to control citizens, even their behaviour, "for their own good", of course. Being aware will help us to fight against this.