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Highly Recommended Watch: Superhuman AI: Top 10 Trends 2022 - No.4 (
Here is Trend No.4 of the Top 10 Trends of 2022. I covered all the Top 10 Trends at the Global Entrepreneur Summit in December. I'm posting all 10 of them in the coming week so subscribe to see them all. This fourth trend is about Superhuman AI - And how fast we are now seeing advances in artificial intelligence accelerating over the last 12 months.


Roger James Hamilton is a futurist, social entrepreneur and New York Times Bestselling Author of the Millionaire Master Plan. He is the founder of Entrepreneurs Institute and the creator of the Wealth Dynamics, Talent Dynamics & Genius Test Profiling Systems, used by over 1,000,000 entrepreneurs to follow their flow.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Amazing documentary on AI. The coming years up to 2030 we may see fascinating developments in this field. Any knowledgeable person understands that what is public now is what it was developed some time ago, and that AI research institutions and labs are already in another higher level of development. Complex AIs are already working in different sectors, from design to bots to research to health systems and many more. The possibilities are endless.