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Recommended Watch: TIMELAPSE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2028 – 3000+) (
A documentary and journey into the future exploring the possibilities and predictions of artificial intelligence. This timelapse of the future explores what is coming, from robots that are too fast for humans to see, to A.I. bots from Microsoft (bringing back loved ones to life) and Google’s laMDA (replacing the need for online searches).

Elon Musk’s Neuralink goes from a medical and healthcare device, to helping people become superhuman – with intelligence amplification, and add-ons that connect to the brain chip.

Artificial general intelligence begins to design an A.I. more powerful than itself. People begin to question if humanity has reached the technological singularity. Artificial Super Intelligence emerges from the AGI.

And further into the deep future. Human consciousness becomes digitized and uploaded into a metaverse simulation. It is merged with A.I. creating hybrid consciousness – which spreads across the cosmos. Matrioshka brains and Dyson Spheres host humanity’s consciousness in a cosmic simulation network.

Quotes about the future from: James J Hughes

Additional footage sourced from: Neuralink, Tesla


A future of artificial intelligence sci-fi documentary, and a timelapse look into future technology. See more of Venture City at my new website:


Books Recommendations by Elon Musk on A.I,. future technology and innovations, and sci-fi stories (affiliate links):

• Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
• Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
• Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era

• The Foundation:
• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy:
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Good watching for a relaxed weekend if you love quasi SF documentaries on what AI, then AGI's timetable to appear and develop could be and what could be the consequences not just for us but even fr the whole universe itself. It is very probable that things will happen in a different way, but we already are using or being helped by AI, and that the goal is to develop an AGI which would completely change the way we see the world and what is being conscious. When is this going to happen? Barren black swans, when there is enough computer processing power and better technology, for sure. Meanwhile, we play with some aspects of trans humanism, using digital techs which are growing exponentially and learning to live in a completely different way from our ancestors. The disruption has just barely started.
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