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Recommended Watch: Biden's 'Breakthrough' Crypto Executive Order (
Former Andreessen Horowitz Head of Global Policy Tomicah Tillemann, now taking part in Katie Haun's new crypto firm, joins Emily Chang and Bloomberg's Sonali Basak for a deep dive into U.S. President Joe Biden's crypto executive order and why he thinks it is a "breakthrough moment for democracy." He also shares his views on the role of crypto in the war in Ukraine, and how it is revolutionizing humanitarian aid efforts.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Is Biden's Crypto Executive Order really a breakthrough? Time will say. The European conflict gives it the impression that crypto is now a force for democracy and freedom, speared by the same politicians who some months ago were totally against, or talking about how crypto is used for criminal purposes or by rogue States. Anyway, it's a first step. And if it helps those suffering because of conflicts all around the world, even better. Again, the 4th IR, the new social, economic, financial, technological paradigm won't wait for Executive Orders, the disruption is already here.