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Watch: This Insane Chinese Supercomputer Changes EVERYTHING (
The smartest Scientists of both China and the United States are working hard on creating the fastest hardware for future Supercomputers in the exaflop and zettaflop performance range. Companies such as Intel, Nvidia and AMD are continuing Moore's Law with the help of amazing new processes by TSMC. These supercomputers are secret projects by the government in hopes of beating each other in the tech industry and to prepare for Artificial Intelligence.
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00:00 A new Superpower in the making
00:46 A Brain-Scale Supercomputer?
02:47 China Tech vs USA Tech
05:30 Chinese Semiconductor Technology
07:39 Last Words
#china #computing #usa
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The international race to create better supercomputers on the way to develop AI and ultimately start the Singularity goes beyond pure engineering and science. The country which takes the lead and creates the AI will be the one leading the century. Both US and China fight for the first place. US has better technology and a good scientific body, but China has more engineers, developers, and a national policy putting enough money to develop China's tech power. US controls the semiconductors. This has also profound geopolitical issues.
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