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Recommended Watch: Shoptalk 2022: Retail's Future is on Social (
Andreessen Horowitz General Partner Connie Chan joins Emily Chang live from Shoptalk in Las Vegas to talk about the future of retail and e-commerce, and shares what she sees as the future trends in the industry - like social media as a means of shopping, and that of "Shopatainment," or video shopping as entertainment.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The incorporation of VR and AR to normal life will transform everything, in this case, the real shopping experience. We will be use social media to shop, or being entertained by sellers who want us to visit them virtually so we can browse and buy their products. And more probably other technologies which by now we don't even think about but which will be as global as a smartphone now. This is not going to happen in a far future, but in very few years, as the Pandemic has accelerated stages of this change.