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Recommended Watch: Explaining the Metaverse: Everything You Need to Know About Future of the Internet (
Metaverse is the tech world’s next big thing, but it’s still a long ways from delivering on its promise.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst What is new in the Metaverse? Maybe just a sober realisation that the Metaverse is going to be disruptive and transformative, a new way of navigate and live in the digital era, but with a long way yet to really reach that stage. There are some early platforms, creators and gamers are very attracted to it, and investors start positioning here and there (NFTs, digital property...) even if probably what we think now about the Metaverse is just a basic idea of what it will really be. We also hope that, as it happens with other 4th IR techs, in the way more and more people will get better access to Internet and data, so that all these new ideas benefit all.