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Watch: Stunning new AI "could be conscious" - with Elon Musk. (
Incredible advances in AI and robotics, with Elon Musk. Please visit - a great place to learn about AI and STEM subjects. You can get started for free and the first 200 people will get 20% off a premium annual subscription.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst An amazing statement inside this video. "This AI could be slightly conscious..." Of course everything depends on what we understand by consciousness. If this is exciting, even more is the fact that technology for AI is developing exponentially, with more AI programs which understand, interpretative and act almost on their own when asked to do different things, Elon Musk promising a Tesla robot which will change the world as it is now and other progress. We don't really know if the Singularity is close or even if it will be possible one day, but AI is already changing our lives, and our understanding of our connections to nature, technology, and the ideas of humanness and consciousness.