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Watch: Web 3.0, a more open, decentralized version of the internet, is on the horizon (
CNBC's Kate Rogers joins Shep Smith to report on Web 3.0, a more open and decentralized version of the internet, which is seen as the next generation of technology.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Web3 is on all tech channels and there is hype building. We shouldn't fear the hype, as we have already raided the blockchain and crypto one and we see now how the blockchain is the foundation of the 4th IR, crypto the first product of the digital economy (before DeFi, NFTs, DeSo...), and now it's time for Web3. Companies working to create this new Internet iteration are looking for people ready to work (and probably the money will be excellent). If you were working on the blockchain building or in other 4th IR related jobs, this could be also your future, as Web3 will need more than tech job positions. Are you ready?