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Highly Recommended Watch: What is Web3? We ask the man who invented the word (
Gavin Wood coined the term Web3 in 2014 to describe the future of the internet. If it becomes a reality, Web3 could change the internet as we know it.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Gavin Wood coined the term Web3 in 2014 to describe the future of the internet. If it becomes a reality, Web3 could change the internet as we know it. If Web1 was the first iteration, copying the non digital media and business models, changed to Web2 with centralisation, huge social media platforms, giants where users become prosumers but with close ecosystems, now we are talking about Web3 coming, changing the statu quo of Web2, decentralise the web, put consensus and trust in the middle, through techs like the Blockchain, a Web of Dapps, where we are owners of our own data. Well, it's not a reality yet, we are at a very early state but working on it. Those saying it's a dream, well, it comes down to those who said email is not important, or even Internet Web1 was a fade. What do you think?