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Recommended Watch: Ray Dalio and GMO's Jeremy Grantham on How They're Seeing the World Right Now (
The founders of Bridgewater and GMO discuss the big risks they’re watching, including inflationary pressures, political conflict, asset bubbles, and climate change — and what investors can do to protect themselves. The conversation is moderated by Jim Haskel, editor of the Daily Observations, and Alex Shahidi, co-CIO of Evoke Advisors, and is separated into two broad sections.

In Part 1, Ray and Jeremy cover the major risks they are tracking — including strong inflationary pressures, rising political conflict, and asset bubbles. In Part 2, they talk through how investors can adjust their portfolios to prepare for these risks. Jeremy concludes the discussion by describing the threat that climate change and the overuse of natural resources poses to humanity, and the most promising solutions he sees to these problems.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst So many stressor points now. Geopolitical issues and hot conflicts. Rumors of famine, financial and economic woes and turmoil, inflation, recession, stagflation maybe, asset bubbles, and a background of climate change, epidemics, overuse of natural resources. And this is just the bigger ones. We live in difficult times and even the promises of new technologies and progress can't deny this. This dialogue/conversation for almost one hour help us to analyse better to identify this, and how can we go and navigate this period of rough waters without sinking. Watch this, there are many good and useful ideas inside it.