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Extremely Recommended Watch: 'Everything bubble' will burst, gold to $900, Bitcoin to $3k before hitting $500k - Harry Dent (
Harry Dent, founder of HS Dent, discusses his market outlook for gold, Bitcoin, and the equity markets with Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief of Kitco News, at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Harry Dents' predictions are not famous for being true later, but in this case we easily could see what is saying is going to happen, the bubble and crash will continue for some time as the economy is so weak. So we wouldn't be surprised to see BTC gong to very low prices. Retail traders, now in panic, and with little experience on bubbles and recession events will probably fail to understand that a bearish market, if dangerous, can be an opportunity to buy and later earn when the market changes direction. The issue is to get to know where to buy of course. But check out there, big companies are not so worried as retailers. That indicates a lot, even in a recession which may appear as a big crash, not as a soft landing. Be careful out there, prepare different strategies for different sceneries, be the most realist and common sense you can.