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Recommended Watch: Is Monkeypox the next pandemic? Stanford prof says lockdowns didn't stop virus - Jay Bhattacharya (
Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, says that lockdowns were 'harmful' and lists the ways that people's lives were negatively impacted as a result.

Bhattacharya spoke with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News.

0:00 - Monkeypox
6:59 - Harmful effects of lockdowns
11:24 - School closures
14:10 - Remote work
18:21 - Leaked email to Fauci
24:58 - Florida and Sweden
30:00 - China's disease policy
33:00 - Preventing another pandemic

Follow David Lin on Twitter: @davidlin_TV (

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Follow Jay Bhattacharya on Twitter: @DrJBhattacharya (

#monkeypox #lockdowns #pandemic
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Great interview from Kitco with a real expert with a common sense attitude, Jay Bhattacharya, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University. The Pandemic is not over yet, monkeypox is on the news, and there is concern on its origins and the reasons of the outbreak. As it is not a new virus, but the size of outbreak is bigger than before and also, it is on the news because it's happening on western countries, not just Central or West Africa. We should not be concerned by now, although as with any virus we should be vigilant. But COVID? The great debate is starting now, to put all theories and research on a big sieve, leave aside the craziest conspiracy theories, recognise why many have lost the trust, not on Science, but on the health or medical sector coopted by government policies or other issues. And by recognising this, to learn from this, avoid the bad responses again, the craziest measures which didn't make sense neither then nor now, and recognise the sacrifices of every society, people and individual person to help each other to win over the virus.
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