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Recommended WEF Watch: Responding to the Great Resignation | Davos | #WEF22 (
During the second half of 2021, over 4 million workers were quitting their jobs every month in the United States.

Why are workers resigning, how widespread is this trend, how long will it last and what can employers do to attract and retain staff in this labour market?

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#Davos #WorldEconomicForum
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Interesting debate/dialogue about what's already called The Great Resignation. Why is this happening? Who is involved? Why? Is a myth or just a swapping of jobs as many after the Pandemic were tired of their ways of working, filled with dissatisfaction, and thus changing the culture of work. It seem the picture is more complicated than just a general leaving, or moving. People need jobs to live. We can however think that as automation happens those understanding the future of work's landscape are re-evaluating how to work, and even more, on how to live. They speak here about a great re-evaluation. And we have commented sometimes about a great awakening. COVID and everything happening around us make us focus on what is really important. Watch this and let us know what do you believe is happening.