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Recommended Watch: Elon Musk & Joe Rogan talk to “conscious AI” (
Elon Musk and "conscious AI." Please visit - a great place to learn about AI and STEM subjects. You can get started for free and the first 200 people will get 20% off a premium annual subscription.

Thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

I used GPT-3 and a Synthesia avatar. All answers are by GPT-3 (except the brief joke at the end).

For a deeper drive, I'd recommend the book Life 3.0, by MIT Professor Max Tegmark.


Elon Musk with Lex Fridman.

Human decisions depend on time of day (peer-reviewed study).

High school student builds brain-controlled AI arm.

Google publishes largest map of brain connectivity.

High-performance brain-to-text communication via imagined handwriting.


AI investment has risen rapidly, to $170 billion last year:
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Brilliant discussion, putting Elon Musk and GPT-3 AI together. It is even more exciting when we already know there is at least one AI more developed than this one. Again, everything is reduced to what it is consciousness and self awareness. It is just a program with clever answers which can confuse human beings into thinking they are talking to a self conscious sentient non human organism? Or it is somehow already that? Moreover, the time frames of developed AIs are been shortened from 2030 or 2035 to 2025. Is the Singularity near? So many questions. Are we ready to deal with it?