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Highly Recommended Watch: Everything Google's Ever Revealed about LaMDA AI Chatbot (
Google's conversational AI, LaMDA is on the forefront of the company's reasearch into artificial intelligence. See demos from Google I/O 2021 and Google I/O 2022 on its progress.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Exciting. Awesome. Scary. And we hope Google remember their "do not do evil" motto from its first years. LaMDA is, Google say, an AI chatbot. They dont call it just an AI. And basically is a program which build a language model, without predefined answers, keeping opened dialogues, opening different pathways about anything. So, a different kind of chatbot, and it's not surprising that a normal person think is speaking to a person and not a machine built with some algorithms. That even at least one engineer at Google say it is conscious is even more surprising. Anyway, it's impressive, and a huge step on an early research for a proper AI focused on language models of fairness, accuracy, privacy and consistency. From here to the Singularity... we will see when this happens... (unless they are hiding something...)