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Watch: Former Post Office CEO Mark Barnes says SA is dangerously close to collapse (
181,451 views Jul 7, 2022 The former CEO of the Post Office, Mark Barnes, says South Africa is dangerously close to collapse and he has made a plea on social media to President Cyril Ramaphosa to appoint the right people to positions of power. He says appoint 100 best people and let them get on with it.
To discuss we're joined by Investment banker Mark Barnes.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The topic of SA collapsing is not, unfortunately, a new headline. We have been reading about it fro many years, from the Apartheid times up to now, with some darker or brighter moments. The difference now seems to be that the party in power has reached levels of corruption and mismanagement which make the country in economic and social tatters, where we can see enormous economic differences, and blatant crimes every day. Neither the first country to suffer this, nor the last. ANC was the promise, but new responsible leaders specialised in governance, transparent, with managerial skills and committed to the people are needed, wherever they can be found. If they are ANC or others it doesn't matter. SA deserves good leadership. The rest is just words and words without sense.