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Recommended Watch: How the Metaverse Will Revolutionize Our Lives (
EpyllionCo Managing Partner Matthew Ball joins Emily Chang to discuss his new book The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything. He talks about the three core ways to think about the Metaverse, how much value it can bring in, and how it might reshape our society.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The Metaverse. As far as we are concerned, yet a good idea which need time to really disrupt and transform the digital life. Companies involved in it are pouring money betting to make it usable for everyone. This will be the dramatic moment when we understand in reality how much value it can bring in, and we will be involved in reshaping our society and our interactions between physical and digital life, creating the "phygital" way, in which new generations will navigate without any concern. It's goo to hear new ideas about it like in this podcast, making us wonder even more what kind of future we can expect.