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Recommended Watch: Stunning AI shows how it would remove humans. w Elon Musk. (
Elon Musk and “conscious AI” part 2. Please visit - a great place to learn about AI and STEM subjects. You can get started for free and the first 200 people will get 20% off a premium annual subscription.

Thanks to Brilliant for sponsoring this video.

I used the GPT-3 AI and a Synthesia avatar (plus DeepMind’s flamingo).

For a deeper drive, I'd recommend the book Life 3.0, by MIT Professor Max Tegmark.


DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, with Lex Fridman

Elon Musk, with Joe Rogan

Detecting consciousness, Cambridge University:

Imaging detects signs of consciousness:

Flamingo AI, DeepMind

Dr. Ben Goertzel - Artificial General Intelligence

Quantum gravity sensors:

“Solving these scaling challenges is what will deliver AGI.”
Nando de Freitas, Research Director, DeepMind (former Oxford Prof)

CGP Grey:
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The most advanced AIs (that are public and we know) are more based on language than real consciousness. Even if Musk or some scientist speak about slightly conscious, is real difficult to understand what exactly is that sense of consciousness. The public advancements show us programs which can interact with other human beings, chat, converse, create imagery (which for some is AI Art, for many can't be art but an image made by just applying some algorithms to a screen to show something we have never seen before). And of course, when asked about humans, they respond inside the parameters they have, the algorithm, with whatever bias its programers may have put into it. Detecting consciousness is at this stage (at least in the public AI development) very difficult. We even have to understand why we do have a consciousness at all, and what exactly is that. Is it, as some say now, an effect of quantum in some tubules in the brain? Or something totally different? And, if we can't understand ourselves, how to define when a machine is conscious? It's easier to detect sentience, like a dog or a crow is sentient. We are far from AGI yet, and when it arrives, better if we have already started the philosophical and ethical debate, so the AGI has at least the tools to collaborate with humans, and not damage human societies or destroy them. Is this imagination or fantasy? Maybe, but not so far ago nobody believed into going to the Moon too.