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Recommended Watch: Is artificial intelligence out of control? | Start Here (
Artificial intelligence is becoming “like electricity”— it’s being used in almost every sector. But what exactly is it? And why are many governments trying to work out how to regulate it? #AJStartHere with Sandra Gathmann explains.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst It is time we as local society starts the ethical, philosophical and sociological impact of AI in our world. The AI as it is now (far from a true AGI) is ubiquitous. Thanks to it we can advance in tech development, logistics and supply chain, a better health management, etc etc. But in the wrong hands we already see AI being used to give social credit scores (China, but creeping out into other supposedly democratic countries), and can be used for discrimination, racial profiling, etc. Sometimes is the fault of designers, but sometimes it is the purpose of some governments or leaders to get what they want, sometimes "for our own good". AI will anyway its growth and we better put some type of regulations which make it neutral and only used for the real and better good.