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Watch: Marieke Flament - Bridging the Web3 Gender Gap | Word on the Block | Forkast News | Crypto News (
An old boy’s club - that’s how the world of finance & investing is often seen. And unfortunately, the crypto ecosystem is looking no different.

What will it take to make the world of Crypto more inclusive? Is there a need for gender focussed policy action? And who are the female changemakers in Web3 who are shattering the glass ceiling? Get the answer to all these questions as NEAR Foundation & Forkast launch the Women in Web3 Changemakers 2022.

#Crypto #Blockchain #BlockchainTechnology #DigitalAssets #Cryptocurrency #DeFi #web3 #womeninweb3 #womenincrypto



Word On The Block:

The Daily Forkast:



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