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Albert Einstein taught us that space and time belong together to a common entity: space-time. This means that time becomes a dimension, similar to space, and has profound consequences for the nature of time. Most importantly it leads to what has been called the block universe, a universe in which all moments of time exist the same way together. The future, the present, and the past are the same, it is just our perception that suggests otherwise.

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0:00 Intro
00:58 Space-time
02:09 Space-time diagrams
03:40 Special Relativity
05:05 The Relativity of Simultaneity
10:36 The Block Universe
12:46 The if's and but's
14:50 Sponsor Message
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Our understanding of Physics is evolving and changing rapidly in the last two decades. The concept of what is time and space has been in the mind of philosophers and later also scientists since the Greek philosophers at least, even before in the Hindu mythology. But is now when we realise that our understanding is limited to what our mind can (or allows us) to see. Time as an arrow with past present and future is the norm for most cultures, with a cyclical sense of time for others many South Asian cultures and even African ones (where time is more the realisation of celebrations of cycles of life as John Mbiti would say). If we mix this with theories of relativity, and that from a quantum physics perspective everything is probably simultaneous, our minds struggle to really understand, to grock space and time. We won't be surprised if one day we come to finally accept time is just there in past present and future simultaneously.