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Recommended Watch: Interracial Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa (
Under South Africa's apartheid regime, interracial marriage was illegal. Now, South Africa calls itself the Rainbow Nation, a phrase used by former president Nelson Mandela. But mixed-race couples say that they still face difficulties. Sebastian and Pam seem like most other young, married couples - juggling work while raising their two children. But their relationship is uncommon in South Africa. That’s because Pam, 30, is Black South African, and Sebastian, 31, Indian South African - a unique pairing. Dateline looks at the challenges faced by interracial couples in the post-apartheid era in South Africa. We find out, can love conquer all?

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Before even watching this podcast we already think that it's a real pity this: first that we have to talk about interracial relationships, instead of just love, and second that the reason to talk about this is because even in the Rainbow Nation these relationships have some issues. Love conquer all, and interracial relationships have particular challenges, not because colours, but because people coming from different cultures and even behaviours have to adapt to each other, and have to negotiate how to educate their kids and practically everything. This is not for everyone, as it needs special effort that not everyone is ready to do. Identities and stories have to mix in a good way, and sometimes society put some walls around that. Cuba is a good example where racial divisions are few and apart. Maybe the future should be the good mix.