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Watch: Why has Russia stopped gas supplies to Europe? | Inside Story (
Much of the continent of Europe is facing a difficult winter ahead.
Russia has once again shut down the crucial Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline to Germany.
It's raised fears of shortages and possible blackouts in the coming months.
Russian authorities say the pipeline was shut to repair a leak.
But European leaders have rejected this - accusing Russia of weaponising energy in response to the Ukraine sanctions.
So, how will Europe cope with this unprecedented gas shortage?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra


Stanislav Mitrakhovich - Leading Expert at the National Energy Security Fund and a Researcher at the Moscow-based Financial University.

Anne-Sophie Corbeau - Global Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy and a Former Head of Gas Analysis at British Petroleum.

Ben Aris - Founder and Editor-in-Chief of bne IntelliNews and a former Moscow Bureau Chief for the Daily Telegraph.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Conflictive narratives. On the one side Russia is acting as a bully weaponizing energy supply which Western Europe urgently needs, as many of the EU countries for a long time have tied themselves to Russia energy instead of developing different sources through the years. On the other side Russia excuses itself as being a victim and not an active conflict actor, giving excuses such as "we can't send gas as European countries have not allowed spare parts and so on for the proper maintenance of the gas pipelines", or "maintenance issues" and "European countries deserve this as backlash for the international sanctions". What is going to happen? Like a hurricane path in the Atlantic Ocean, it can go this or that way, but it continues to be a hurricane. There is a storm coming, the only question is how it's going to develop itself and with what strength.