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Watch: 'Much worse than the 1970s': Historian Niall Ferguson has a warning for investors (
Top historian Niall Ferguson warned Friday that the world is sleepwalking into an era of political and economic upheaval akin to the 1970s — only worse.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Wether Niall Ferguson's warning becomes true or not, or something in the middle, investors (and every one indeed) must be very cautious on what is coming. We don't really now (do they in charge know?) and it's sometimes difficult to distinguish between FUD news and real news. We have to check all signs with a clear and cool mind. Check prices, check geopolitical situations, war games, how prepared are we as individuals and socially, check what different sceneries from mild storms to huge hurricanes in the financial and political world can bring... So, let's first say Fergusson seems to be a cool head and we have to listen to him. Then use our common sense, check our surroundings and our world, be real, prepare, continue working for the best while expecting the worst, not living in illusion, and look always for opportunities which can help us to navigate the coming storm, whether small or big.