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Watch: Expert on rise of fascism has cautionary tale as U.S. debt soars, recession strikes - Professor Voth (
Hans-Joachim Voth, Professor of Economics at the University of Zurich, discusses his research on the rise of fascism, budget cuts, and unrest in Europe. He talks about the implications of his research for the United States with David Lin, Anchor and Producer at Kitco News.

Follow David Lin on Twitter: @davidlin_TV (
Follow Kitco News on Twitter: @KitcoNewsNOW (
Follow Hans-Joachim Voth on Twitter: @joachim_voth (

0:00 - Budget cuts and unrest
4:06 - Rise of fascism in Germany
7:43 - Welfare state policies
12:33 - Taxes
15:36 - Implications for the U.S.
21:08 - Sovereign debt and politics
25:03 - Modern Monetary Theory
26:03 - The gold standard
31:32 - Bitcoin standard

#inflation #politics #bitcoin
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst One, not the only one, outcome for a possible economic crisis where inflation continues long term, and even deep recession takes place, is the dystopian new rise of populism leading to a new wave of fascism. The word "fascist" is widely used now to talk about a wide variety of people and politics, but while we can easily fight populism even in bad times, fascism is another kind of monster. And we shouldn't look far for this. When people is scared and trust in politicians, authorities and even scientists is disappearing, and populism promises a return to the "old good days", many will close their eyes and blindly follow the new leaders even if to do that democracy and people is destroyed. We have to fight any kind of populism from any side of the range, from the right to the left. Totalitarian fascism gave us the nazis but also stalinism. And one of the main causes was the prior destruction of economy and political upheavals. Now we can be happy owning nothing, or we can argue very soon that living in a surveillance capitalism China style is not so bad, as we "feel safe". You know? It's our duty to change the world for better. So even if "experts" tell us their own biased ideas we should strive for a better world, not for a safer but lacking in humanness' one.