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Recommended Watch: Latin America's Digital Revolution (
Atlantico VC Partner, Detect CEO and tech investor Hugo Barra joins Emily Chang to discuss Atlantico VC's latest report on the digital transformation of Latin America and investing opportunities there. Plus, why he thinks the mobile industry - including Apple - needs to innovate.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst News about digital transformations and economies tend to concentrate in US and Western Europe and Asia, with some other hot spots such as El Salvador or South Africa. Few times we hear about Africa (where the industry is transforming or is going to transform whole countries) or Latin America, from Mexico to Chile and Argentina and the Latin Caribbean territories. We are talking about small poorer countries like Guatemala, to rich countries like Brazil, Chile or Colombia, politically challenged like Venezuela or Cuba or Bolivia, to the mostly unknown by many Uruguay or Paraguay for instance. Investment in these countries have its risks but also its rewards. Digital economies are slowly growing there, mixed with the scams and the issues of digital currencies for nefarious purposes (happening everywhere but somehow more visible there), but the energy, the commitment and the new ideas which are there are sources of transformation in all sides of those societies. El Salvador was the most violent country not in the continent, but considered the more violent country in the world except for those in open conflicts. Look at it now. One of the reasons is a better economy where digital transformation is happening. Everything is changing there very fast. Listen and feel the vibes.