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Recommended Watch: Worker Productivity's Steepest Drop in 74 Years: What That Means for the Economy | WSJ (
 In the first quarter of 2022, U.S. worker productivity fell in the steepest drop in 74 years. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath explains why productivity is central to the economy, and why big drops can be difficult to recover from.

Illustration: Reshad Malekzai

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#QuietQuitting #Productivity #WSJ
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The situation in the job's market is dire for so many reasons. Since the Pandemic different groups of workers are not as productive as before as it is seen in the US job market. Highly educated workers want a different way of working, less living to work, and more work to live. Most of the rest are tired of situations where 40 hours weekly transform somehow in 50 or 60, few holidays and with the digital era even work at home or with a smart phone around, without the opportunity or the motivation to become more proficient or better or promoted. And many, the mass, just don't see a reason to work in an affluent society. Each person is different. Many others will say this is pure laziness or just cheating. Some will say there is not such a thing as the "quiet quitting" movement, just people who are tired and just work for what they are paid and not an inch more. Some see in this the loss of hopes and idealism to build a better society. So many opinions. But deeply what we are seeing is a transformation on how we define our relationship with work and with the society, with the "contract" we have in our societies with each other. It's not the end of capitalism or other isms, but new ways of understanding and working. The excesses of laziness or its opposite the exploitation ("if you don't want to work more there are many who would want your position" is a sentence many have heard during their work lives) should disappear in an ideal society maybe less affluent but more committed to growth and development.
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