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Recommended Watch: Is the World's internet vulnerable to conventional attack? | Latest International News | WION (
Russia-Ukraine war has had consequences for both of these countries. Consequences of this have been felt across Europe and indeed around the world. Now, a lot of questions have come to the fore. Is the World's internet vulnerable to conventional attack? How vulnerable are internet cable network?

#russiaukrainewar #warfare #worldnews

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Damaging critical infrastructure of your enemy is a tool of war. Destroying the finer optic cables, even destroying communication satellites affecting your enemies (as you also depend on the Internet to make war!) is possible. The threat is very real but is like the MAD idea of the Cold War, as Internet is essential for everybody everywhere who counts. And we are sure superpowers like US or China have their own separate Internet connections, precisely thinking about a future conflict. At the end, as it is happening in war more and more, is the civil population the most affected. Societies and individuals should have their plan B to act in case of a situation like this one. Baby boomers and millennials can understand life without Internet but the Generation Alpha, born in a digital era, will be very lost without it for a time.