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Highly Recommended Watch: Global Thinkers Special: What does China want? (
What does China want? It's a question posed by many in the West, including politicians, scholars, journalists and members of the general public. Some assert China wants to topple the current international order and dominate the world. Others say China wants to be the only superpower. Where do these ideas come from? Does China have a secret plan for the future of mankind? What really does China want?
In the second half, we discuss: Could the world become more peaceful or more dangerous? And will we be prepared to face the potential challenges and conflicts?

The program is jointly brought to you by CGTN and the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding at Peking University.

Guests: H.E. Nabil Fahmy, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt;
Martin Jacques, former Senior Fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University;
Prof. Jia Qingguo, Director of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding at Peking University;
Prof. Kishore Mahbubani, Distinguished Fellow of Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore;
H.E. Djoomark Otorbaev, former Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan and visiting fellow at the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding at Peking University;
Prof. Oystein Tunsjo, Professor and Director of the Asia Program of Norwegian Defense University;
H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva, Former Prime Minister of Thailand;
Prof. Zhang Chuanjie, Deputy Director of the Center for U.S.-China relations at Tsinghua University.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst A fascinating conversation between high level global thinkers. Those old enough to remember the Cold War remember when those in Intelligence services had their Soviet Union experts dedicated exclusively to check the minimum detail about the communist power to try to understand what really was going on behind the Iron Curtain. The same thing happens now about China, even if there is no a real Iron Curtain, China is a culture and a territory difficult to understand for those out from their direct area of influence. So, for some China is a threat, for some is the future, for others is a power which only thinks about long term destiny with long term goals. China, of course, put the good talk about a new time where all countries specially developing countries, are seriously taken by the developed ones, and China being considered a superpower, but not for dominance but for world development. That is the optimistic message. There are so many signals coming out from China which are not understood or are misunderstood by other powers. And some which are real worrying. What to believe, how to analyse what is happening inside China, and the idea of a new superpower which wants to get its own position on the world, very different from the old ideas of a closed China. The danger of miscommunication, of not understanding of building a new geopolitical environment in the world, where words and deeds are real connected, is real. We don't even know the key questions we should ask to approach to positive answers. We must be concerned, and realist.