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Recommended Watch: Uber is Collapsing "The Business Built On a Pyramid of $#*t" (
Uber is Tanking. Uber Stock. Recession.
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Ride-hailing apps have become everything. It’s your driver, your food delivery.. your exposure to full volume, underground, German house music...

But here’s the thing – it might go away forever. They’re beginning to collapse and it’s showing us the truth. Uber hasn’t turned a profit in its 13-year history.

Which might not be the biggest surprise because back in 2019, the company literally said there’s a chance it may never make money. But that didn’t stop investors from throwing endless piles of cash at it giving it an 80 billion dollar valuation.

Three years later... the company still hasn’t turned a profit…

Uber Stock
Market Crash

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    • 1
    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst The markets are real nervous. The warnings are coming even from IMF and the WB. It's a time where companies will either learn how to swim or will sink. One company, Uber, which has had problems and not a perfect image in many countries, is probably one of them according to this podcast. Uber had received barrels of money from investors even if they warned them that profits were far away. The projects they had have not come to life, and worse, there are leaked documents which show unfortunate episodes. These and other happenings are a warning for many companies we are seeing in this craziness at the beginning of the 4th IR receiving billions, spending everything and no successful product. Everything is so weird now. Watch this, is eye opening not just for the Uber situation but also in showing what is happening with many other start ups with a big nice facade but with shaky muddy foundations. The fate is always the same.