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Watch: WHO: End of COVID-19 pandemic is in sight | DW News (
So far over 12 and a half billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have gone into arms all over the world. Significant percentages of populations in the Americas, Europe and Asia are now fully vaccinated, though there’s still a lot to do in Africa.

The biggest vaccination drive in history alone has not been enough to stop the continued spread of COVID-19. But coupled with the immunity induced in many people through wide-scale exposure, experts say it's brought the day when we declare the pandemic at an end a lot nearer, and saved tens of millions of lives


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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Interesting documentary (non apt for conspiranoics) on the fight against COVID. It seems, according to DW, that the pandemic is on its final steps, and even if the virus will be present like the flu or other viruses are, there is no possibility of another COVID pandemic for the time being (we don't know this 100% though, as mutations happen). These are potencial good news. What is causing this? For some is just the normal process of a Pandemic cycle, two three years, which can repeat after sometime when mutations allow it, like with the flu. For others is this plus the vaccine campaign and the social distancing rules etc, people's education etc and because of our proactive stance as society, even though many mistakes have been committed managing the whole process in different countries and territories we have saved many people who otherwise would be affected or dead now. We don't really know as we are not experts, so we offer you this for you to get more information.