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Recommended Watch: Nigerian doctors working in the UK say they’re being exploited – BBC Newsnight (
Doctors recruited from some of the world’s poorest countries to work in UK hospitals say they’re being exploited and believe they’re so overworked they fear putting patients’ health at risk.

A joint investigation by BBC Newsnight and File on 4 has found evidence that doctors from Nigeria are being recruited by a British healthcare company and expected to work in private hospitals under conditions not allowed in the National Health Service.

The British Medical Association (BMA) has described the situation as “shocking” and says that the sector needs to be brought in line with working practises in the NHS.

BAFTA winning journalist Paul Kenyon reports.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst These news reflect what happens when the health system is not seen as a goverment service due to its citizens who pay taxes and work, with a social contract where anyone like minors or dependants of any kind are also cared for, but considered as another way to just make profit, profit being more important than the actual well being of anyone involved in it, in this case doctors. And if doctors work in bad conditions, whether we wish differently or not, sick people will not be properly attended too. For the sake of profit, society is hurt, the social contract is damaged, and long term this leads to a worse situation. Situations like this one are unnaceptable in a developed country.