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Recommended Watch: Preparing for Sentient AI - Day 1 - #FII6 (

About FII 6th Edition in Riyadh

Welcome to the sixth edition of the Future Investment Initiative (FII), powered by the Future Investment Initiative Institute. FII will be held in Riyadh from 25-27 October 2022 and will convene the world’s foremost CEOs, policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, and young leaders to shape the future of international investment and the global economy.Last year’s theme—Invest in Humanity—continues to guide our thinking for this year’s FII. Economic opportunities abound across every continent—but supply shocks, inflation, a global energy crisis, and geopolitical conflicts present deep challenges.This year’s FII will include in-depth conversations about new pathways for global investment; analysis of critical industry trends; and unparalleled networking among CEOs, world leaders, and experts. We invite you to share your ideas at the frontier of this new world.
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst How do we prepare for a Sentient AI? Can we even prepare or we will be surprised at the complexity and the shift change in history which this mean? Well we can't do more than to wonder, and to practice some role games where different kind of AIs start having conscience, and what can we do to them, with them, at them. There are different opinions in this podcast, from the "compassionate" AI, to the "unbiased" one, to the just so different from us that will be very difficult ro really understand this new existence. What is more important, how this will impact people, not just the scientists around it. Will it obey politics or leaders, both good and bad for their purposes (some of them nefarious?) will it work for and with humans, or will work for itself only? We thread new waters here without a map, or even a clear evidence on where we go from there. Interesting podcast. Watch it.