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Watch: Mastodon App: The Social Media Alternative to Twitter? | Tech News Briefing Podcast | WSJ (
More than half a million users have signed up for the microblogging site Mastodon since Twitter was purchased by Elon Musk. But what is it like to use the site? And could it be a real alternative to Twitter?

WSJ Senior Personal Tech Columnist Joanna Stern joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss how to sign up for and use Mastodon.

Photo: Andre M. Chang/Zuma Press

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst This tech news snippets smell of free advertising of a new Decentralised Social Media app. There are already some apps which are trying to offer the same, a moderate social media community, decentralised in the sense each member is the owner if its data, and together they form and shape the governance of the whole community. What can we say about this app? Well, the explanation we hear at the podcast is that resembles Reddit, or Discord, with the word "decentralised" in the beginning. The signing up seems complicated for the normal user, but not so much as the configuration of a personal email on a laptop. As it is a fairly new app it lacks yet many of the features which Twitter offers, but that is fine by now. In fact, at the end of the day, as it happens with many apps, it will become the favourite haven for many who will find a community of people with the same likes and opinions. We will see many DeSoMe apps appearing, trying to get the success of their elder siblings not decentralised.