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Watch: For Tech Workers, Pink Slips and Anxiety Replace Perks and Parties | Tech News Briefing | WSJ (
As more big tech firms announce layoffs, the mood among tech workers is growing grim. The industry once set the standard for perks and high pay, but that is changing as the economy cools.

WSJ reporter Chip Cutter joins host Zoe Thomas to discuss the feeling among tech workers right now and the future of employment in the sector.

Photo: Josh Edelson/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst There are comments like "Aww, poor workers, they won't have their ping pong tables anymore....". Well, this is kind of exaggerated, but the truth is that Tech companies are cutting costs everywhere, perks disappearing, underlining the "be more productive" line, or otherwise the pink slip is there. This is a big shift for Silicon Valley. Majority of population of course is living this instability in job markets for some time now, with the uncertainty of what is going to happen from one day to another. There is time for an adjustment, and in this case a big one. Reality looks grim, but it also helps to wake up, to react, learn, practice solidarity, and even a small percentage which will survive and create product with new ideas. Life is change, and some time the changes are hard and harsh. Be careful out there.