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Recommended Watch: Twitter, Meta, Amazon: Why is Everyone Getting Fired? (
Tens of thousands of people have recently been fired in big tech, with Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Amazon, Uber, Shopify and many others letting team members go. So in this video we discuss why it is that everyone's getting fired - and what it means for the future of the industry.

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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Why so many people is being laid off in the tech industry? So many reasons are given. From logic explanations, like the impeding recession, the end of the pandemic, or just a change of strategies due to the current economic climate. But also there are those who theorise about how giant companies want to instils fear in the troops rank, to make those who stay being more depending on the company itself, working more, not to be laid off too. But maybe is a mix of everything like the new Twitter management speaking about over-hiring and other companies speaking about being "bloated" when the good times could afford it, and the need of putting them now on a lean diet, thus laying off so many people all of the sudden. Whatever the reasons are, we expect this will continue for a time as the economic situation is going to get worse before being better, and new developments in technology (specifically AI) is also making some positions redundant. Be careful out there and always have a plan B.