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Watch: Michael Burry Is Now Predicting Another Huge Crash!! (Here’s Why) (
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    Francisco Gimeno - BC Analyst Clear, understandable, and thorough explanation of finance and economics in this channel. In this particular podcast another prediction from Michael Burry on global economic crash explained thoroughly with hard data. Well as we always say, better to be prepared and informed that to be surprised by what it may come. Burry just shows how all and everything signs that any optimism we could have about economy after some artificial stimuli from governments is going to prove to be false now and surely on the Q1 2023. We can't predict ourselves what is going to happen, but we can see as clearly as anyone that inflation (higher cost of life), less demand, stagnation and unemployment is happening now, and recession is not a word anymore but a reality in most of the economy sceneries. Where all this will go we will have to see and live through it.